Bodhicharya international bodhicharya.org.
Bodhicharya UK bodhicharya.org/uk
Bodhicharya London bodhicharya-london.org.uk
Bodhicharya Kent bodhicharya-london.org.uk/Kent/
Bodhicharya Southwest bodhicharyasouthwest.org.uk
Rigul Trust: rigultrust.org
Rigul Trust news: http://rigultrust.wordpress.com
Ireland: http://bodhicharyaireland.blogspot.com
Caribbean: http://bodhicharyacaribbean.blogspot.com
France : https://www.bodhicharya-france.org/index.php/fr/
Finland: http://bodhistudy.blogspot.com/
Gernmany: https://bodhicharya.de/
Portugal: http://bodhicharyaportugal.org/novo/summer-camp-2021-eng/
Netherlands: http://bodhicharyanetherland.blogspot.com/
Bodhicharya Buddhist Group Bosham is part of a wider global family of Bodhicharya people, groups, centres, charities and organisations, spread across 13 countries. All inspired by the Buddhist teachings and guided by Ringu Tulku Rinpoche.
Bodhicharya means enlightened behaviour and there are three UK based charities made up of friends and students of Ringu Tulku Rinpoche. Bodhicharya International, Bodhicharya UK and Rigul Trust.
Bodhicharya is a non-profit Educational & Cultural Association founded by Ringu Tulku Rinpoche in 1997. Activities include collecting, transcribing, translating, and publishing Buddhist teachings and educational materials, and supporting educational and healthcare projects around the world. For more informations visit bodhicharya.org
Rigul Trust is a UK Charity whose primary aim is to provide funds to support basic health care, education and poverty relief amongst Himalayan communities, in particular Rinpoche's birth place of Rigul, Tibet. For more informations visit rigultrust.org
This charity aims to advance the understanding and practice of the Buddhist faith and philosophy. Their current project is to raise the necessary funds for a physical BBG centre here in the UK. A physical space for meetings, teachings, courses and retreats. A place to encourage and participate in intercultural, inter-faith and interdisciplinary dialogues. A place to promote and support wellbeing in body, mind and spirit and offer relief to those in need. For more information visit bodhicharya.org/uk